before you can go to retail or shopping networks ...
Kevin Harrington's
digital launch program
Gain exclusive access to Kevin's complete digital marketing teams to launch your business online.
"You will have access to the EXACT methods I've been using to launch products for over 40 years, including my personal production, web development, and marketing teams!" 
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Let me, the Original Shark, Inventor of the Infomercial, and Producer of Over $5 Billion in Product Sales Launch Your Business Online.
Utilize my teams, my methods and my proven successes to get you product sales online FAST!!
The Digital Launch Program Includes:
Kevin's Award-Winning Production Team
Perhaps the most crucial aspect of digital marketing is your creative "vault". All of the videos and images that will be used throughout the marketing campaigns. These MUST be studio-grade, HD quality productions, and the videos too, well-scripted that quickly and accurately demonstrates the product or service you are offering.
Highly-Converting Website
eCommerce is the big wave of success for business owners who know they want to be in the online marketplace. Obviously, we all know you cannot do this without a website. However, not just any website will do. Your business deserves a highly-converting website that is designed to guide your visitors to the sale.
Digital Marketing Plan
Before we can even start to discuss QVC, the shopping networks, or retail/distribution deals you have to prove sales online. We refer to this as a digital product launch, and my team will tailor a plan that fits your business niche and/or industry that will maximize your product launch campaigns.
Ads Sales Campaigns
Once your company has the high-quality creative, a highly-converting website, and an ironclad digital marketing plan the next step for my team is building your ads campaigns. They will showcase your product or service on the appropriate social media and online marketplace platforms to get you the most out of your launch.
Digital Marketing Assets
In the online marketplace, with the right people in place, businesses can target the exact customer avatar who wants the product or service being offered. My amazing marketers will be working hard, generating a mountain of data about your customers and clients. They then analyze the sales statistics to build digital marketing assets, which are paramount to scaling future campaigns. 
Consulting on Next Steps in Retail or Distribution
A vast majority of the products I have sold, and I have sold over $5 billion in products, have made the big leap to retail, distribution, and shopping channels following a very successful digital product launch. Once we have the sales and performance data that the big platforms require, we then decide if we take are going to take your product with us to the next level.
Inventors, Product Developers 
and Business Owners...
Do you have a new product ready to take to market?

Do you have an invention or idea, but are unsure of the next steps?

Maybe you’ve developed or manufactured your invention and you’re asking yourself, "now what?"

If you have created a product or service that is truly revolutionizing, then you could be a possible candidate for my Digital Launch Program.

With this exclusive program, my personal team will help you kick off your marketing plan by:

  - Producing high quality footage to advertise your product
  - Building a website optimized for sales
  - Running a targeted digital marketing campaign

Super charge your marketing by launching with a Shark!!
What You Need To Launch Online...
Decades of PRODUCT LAUNCH EXPERIENCE and a vast track record of success!

The BEST AND THE BRIGHTEST MARKETERS in the industry who are my most trusted to launch products
A SOLID PLAN OF ACTION with clearly mapped out directives and Milestones
What You DO NOT Need...
Expensive MARKETING AGENCIES Who are more concerned with what you are paying than with the results they produce
Out-of-touch WEB DEVELOPERS Who Do do not understand how to maximize a website for conversions
Random PRODUCTIONS COMPANIES who do not have a proven track record with a collection of accolades and Awards
A Proven Track Record For Success
"Over the course of the last 40 years I have launched over 20 businesses that have grown to over $100 million in sales, each, been involved in more than a dozen public companies, and have launched over 500 products generating more than $5 billion in sales worldwide with iconic brands and celebrities such as Jack Lalanne, Tony Little, George Foreman, and many more. 

I have extensive experience in business all over the world, opening distribution outlets in over 100 countries worldwide. This success led Mark Burnett to hand pick me to become an Original Shark on Shark Tank where I filmed over 175 segments.

During this time I gained a wealth of knowledge in all areas of building a business, from raising capital to forming partnerships. I now want to share this knowledge with the next generation of entrepreneurs and small business owners. "
Over 40 Years Of Business Ventures And Relationships Built
For More Information On How to Get Into My Program...
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